Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zombie Favorites

Hello all you horror and zombie loving fans! Since I have noticed a large amount of popularity with the last zombie blog I wrote I decided to write a longer one for all of you. The movies I have chosen are for 2 reasons; 1 I enjoyed watching it and hope you will too and 2 I tried to pick movies that were different from each other and that were intertwined with a mix of other genres such as comedy, sci-fi, thriller, etc. If you haven’t seen these movies and decide to check them out a few of them are on right now. So if you do, let me know what you thought. Do you agree or disagree with my ratings? Also let me know if you have any suggestions for me as well, I always like learning about different horror films and watching as many as I can.

Photo from IMDb site
28 Days Later directed by Danny Boyle in 2002 is one zombie movie that might keep you up at night. By the way these are no shuffling and moaning zombies, no sir, these are the running/sprinting zombies that snarl and have blood red eyes. These zombies also don’t need to “die” before you turn. Just a little drop of blood in your system is all it takes and within seconds you’ll be sprinting after family, friends, and whatever else happens to be moving in front of you. I found the acting to be “ok.” You’ll find the favorite word in this film is “Hello!” which is, as all you horror fans know, not the best thing to be doing and becomes annoying after the 5th or 6th time. The best way to avoid getting annoyed is to make it a drinking gameJ. It does draw you in pretty well and the character development and story line are strong. Overall I’d give it 7 out of 10, which to me is average. IMDb gives it 7.6 out of 10 with almost 193,000 users. If you haven’t watched I’d say give it a shot, who knows it could be a new favorite.

Photo from IMDb site
Leaving off where the first one ended 2011’s Quarantine 2: Terminal directed by John Pogue is an interesting twist for a zombie thriller. Even though this is a remake of the foreign film [REC], this one has some people transforming slowly like a disease without people collapsing seemingly dead for a minute and rising once again. These drooling beings transform in the blink of an eye. What I really liked about this is at one point a person, won’t spoil who it is, is in the middle of a sentence and transforms the sentence into a fierce growl. At first I thought, “Is the zombie talking?” A little freaky I'm not going to lie. Overall the character development is steady and the story twists in unexpected ways.  I give it 7 out of 10 for its uniqueness and I definitely would recommend it for any zombie lover. IMDb gives it 5.2 out of 10 with 8,783 users, a little harsh in my opinion but you’ll just have to watch for yourself to see what you think. Hope you enjoy!

Photo from IMDb site
Slither directed by James Gunn in 2006 is by far the most out of this world zombie movie I have ever seen. This movie is a mix of comedy, horror, and sci-fi without a doubt. Many times I found myself going “Eew” and in all of those instances I could not take my eyes away. So if you like these kinds of zombie movies where you’re not only grossed out but are laughing through it, this movie is definitely for you. For me I rate this movie as 8 out of 10 for its hilarious one liners and its strange storyline. IMDb gives it 6.5 out of 10 with over 43,000 users. I feel like this is one of those movies where you either love it or hate it so to find out which one you are check this movie out on and let me know what you think.

The movie Zombieland directed by Ruben Fleischer in 2009 can best be described as a movie equivalent of Scream only a lot funnier. It ends up being a nice guide to what rules the zombie world has and is filled with excellent acting. The story line is fair; nothing to complex and it even has a surprise actor about midway through. Overall I’d give this movie 8 out of 10 because its entertaining and makes you want to eat a Twinkie. IMDb gives it 7.7 out of 10 with over 221,000 users so overall I’d say this movie should definitely be on your list of movies that you must see before you die.

I realize that this is an extremely short list so I will have more to come a little later. Hope you enjoyed!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pushed to the Edge Movies

The Descent poster from IMDb site
 Ever thought about taking a trip with friends into a cave that goes deep into the Earth? Well, 2005’s The Descent directed by Neil Marshell will have you thinking twice before ever, ever, doing anything of the sort. This movie brings out the best (and worst) in a group of friends as they climb down a dark, wet, and (spoiler) uncharted cave. Yep, you read correctly, not only that but this movie is not for people that become claustrophobic easily. As you hold your breath in this lung tightening movie try putting yourself in their shoes. Would you be grief stricken Sarah or the fierce Juno? IMDb and a little over 100,000 users rate this movie as a 7.5 out of 10, which given the ending and the next movie proceeding it is fair. See link . I wouldn't suggest wasting time watching part 2 because as most sequels do, it ruins everything.

Evil Dead picture from IMDb site
2013’s Evil Dead directed by Fede Alvarez  just recently came out in theaters and creates a nice original set of twists that keep you from predicting even the ending. Aside from the twists this movie is gory and I mean gorrry. Which is nice but towards the end it seems to try to push it with overly extensive and unrealistic amounts of limb removing. Also it’s hard to tell if it’s the writing or the acting but it seems some of the characters become under developed and to be written with the only goal of making each scene gorier than the last. It does however make up for it by making it unique. This might make you jump in some instances but for the most part I thought this movie was okay. Comparing it to the original 1981 version, which is hilarious and is on, this movie tends to move away from funny to just gruesome. Overall I give it a 6 out of 10 rating. IMDb and almost 18,000 users give it a generous 7.2 out of 10. See link . Let me know what you think of this newly released movie! Does it live up to your expectations? 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What is Your Favorite Zombie Movie?

            So many zombie movies have been made and remade over the years. Some of which involve the single slow moving zombie to the sprinting mobs of zombies. What is your favorite? Don’t be afraid to share your ultimate favorite zombie movie and maybe I can help you find a new favorite based on what type you enjoy the most.
By far one of the most interesting zombie movies of the early 21 century “Resident Evil” is a movie that creates the right amount scare, blood, and plot to keep viewers wanting more. Director Paul W.S. Anderson invites viewers into a world with possibilities of government controlled facilities far below major cities. These facilities created by the powerfully Umbrella corporation provide many services to the world and with many chemical experiments that prove catastrophic for the future of the world. Starring Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, and Colin Salmon provides the story with an extreme feminist storyline that in my opinion is extremely badass. As well as Marilyn Manson’s contribution with the inventive sound effects and music that create the creepiest sounds heightening battle scenes. IMDb and over 102,000 users rate this movie a 6.5 out of 10 which to me seems a little low. In my personal opinion the extremely creative plotline and cast allows this movie to be a 9 out of 10; 4 points for the plot, 3 for the acting, and 2 for the effects. Why not full points for the effects? Even though this film has some extremely well points of effects, not to give anything away, but the ending effects seem a little more animated than the rest of film making it appear imbalanced compared to the realistic effects it had earlier.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wondering What to Watch Tonight?

Are you tired of the same scary movies? Well here are two movies very different from each other that you may or may not have heard of that are, in my opinion pretty good. 

The first one called “Frozen” directed by Adam Green. If you are a snowboarder or skier in need of a good “what if” situation, then this movie is perfect for you. The plot consists of three friends who decide to take a final trip up the mountain when suddenly the lift stops and they find themselves stuck roughly 30 meters off the ground. This movie kept me rooted to my seat as they had to figure out what do to next. With semi gore and a very unique plot line with fairly good actors/actresses I would rate this movie a 9 out of 10. I don’t rate this as a 10 because it takes something that gives me nightmares to rate as a 10 but as a 9 it definitely had me question whether I will ever get onto a ski lift again especially if it’s the last run of the night. So now I ask you have you seen this movie? If so what was your favorite part? If you haven’t seen it and this summary grabs your attention I would suggest that you watch it.

 Another scary movie that is not typically main stream but is fairly good is "House on Haunted Hill" directed by William Castle this movie is not quite like “Frozen” but is still fairly good. This movie was made in 1959 and is a black and white film. Not exactly a scary movie in today’s standards but the story line is unique. In today’s world of high tech and realistic gore this film is more interested in the plot than the effects. In fact this movie might make you laugh but as a classic film I would rate this a 7 out of 10. Mainly because this movie made me laugh and every now and then we must enjoy something a little different that is not the “typical” scary movie. This movie currently is streaming on So let me know what you think. Do you like this movie? If not why? 

Friday, March 2, 2012

What's Your Favorite Nightmare?

If you have not seen any of these movies and are a scary movie fan than I would suggest that you watch this set of movies asap.
As far as movies go this one is one that today you may laugh at but in the 1980's this slasher film haunted children's dreams and were extremely popular. IMDB rated the movie 7.5 out of 10 based on votes from well over 66,000 users. See link The unique story line written and directed by Wes Craven, of a child molester who came back and continued to haunt/murder the children in their sleep created a whole new perception of what the horror genre could become.
If you’re interested in movies with teens being chased by a mass murderer that can kill you while you sleep (which by the way is a difficult thing not to do) then I suggest this movie as well as the sequels all of which have different twists on what is the dream world and how it can be manipulated for better or worse. This movie is somewhat gory and there is instances of intense eeew moments but overall is a movie that will come back to you…even while you sleep.
Personally I rate this movie as a 8 out of 10 because of the unique storyline and Robert Englund’s great acting skills at making Freddy Krueger become one of the best traditional icons as far as horror killers go. Why not a 10 you ask? The acting of Nancy as done by Heather Langenkamp could have been improved. Watching the movie again her facial expressions hardly change accept in instances of extreme hostility. The remake, in my opinion, did help with this slightly but then clearly lacked in the original’s storyline as well as Jackie Haley’s acting of Freddy who could not replace the original creepy grinning, chuckling version of Freddy Krueger which lessened the frightening experience amongst today’s standards. FYI the original as rated by users on IMDB was rated a 5.1 with just over 31,000 votes. See link
Now I want to here from you what do you think about the Nightmare on Elm Street movies? What are your favorite moments that make you scream or even laugh?